Get ready for a 3-month journey into inspiration through our amazing lineup of spring workshops led by diverse and talented workshop leaders! Our first workshops will get you “warmed up” by exploring embodiment through yoga and writing; teaching your words to dance through Tanka, mining the imagination, and generating a creative cluster through The Artist’s Way. As spring hits in mid March, join us for sessions that explore poetry through nature, examine dialogue as the heart of the art, and dig deep into your spiritual path to higher creativity. Finally, we will end the 3-month journey with sessions exploring our authentic selves, discussing our truths, erasure and archival ekphrasis, empowering our own voice, examining how poetry is life, and publishing your works.
The schedule can be found at
Registration will be at
If you have any questions, please email and include as your subject “Yellow Arrow Spring 2022 Workshops.”
Applications for summer 2022 workshop proposals will open in the next few months. To read the guidelines for submitting a proposal, click here.