It’s official! Here is the cover of Yellow Arrow Journal’s issue on kitalo (Vol. IX, No. 2), guest edited by Tramaine Suubi. Reserve your copy today.
The overarching concept of kitalo, griefulness, explores the intertwining of grief and gratitude. “Kitalo” is an empathetic Luganda term of solidarity offered when someone experiences a spectrum of loss. It directly translates to “this/that is tragic” but is far richer than that. The cover image (cover design by Alexa Laharty) is called Growing by Dark Rivers by Liz Jakimow. According to Liz, “There is often a lot of darkness in my photographs now. While some may find it depressing, it feels more authentic to who I am. Yet there are also often elements that draw attention to the light, symbolizing hope.”
Liz Jakimow is a photographer and poet who lives in the beautiful valley of Araluen in Australia, where she is inspired by the nature and mountains that surround her. After losing a loved one, poems and photos from an initial three-month grieving period were brought together in an exhibition and a book titled A journey with grief: exploring loss through photography and poetry. You can see more of Liz’s photography at
kitalo is available to order from the Yellow Arrow bookstore. Wholesale copies (discounted copies in lots of 5) can also be purchased. Reserve your copy today.
Both issues of Vol. IX (spring and fall) are available as a Yellow Arrow Journal Bundle at a discount; bundles of volumes VII (2022) and VIII (2023) are also available.