Yellow Arrow Journal is excited to announce the theme for our next issue:
PERGEGRINE addresses the overarching concept of illuminating language. Guest editor, Raychelle Heath states,
“From the moment we begin to speak we are also taught how to do it ‘correctly.’ We are given rules and protocols for how to present ourselves when we open our mouths. Without even realizing it, we are thrown into the task of code switching. One tongue for the playground, one tongue for the classroom, one tongue for speaking with our beloved abuelita Mexicana. One tongue to stay safe, one tongue to be daring, brave, to dismantle. For many of us, this code switching, this constant wrangling of words to fit into whatever space we find ourselves is our only way of knowing language. My proposition is we strip away those societal trappings that may, indeed, be holding our tongues hostage.”
Raychelle Heath was an ANFRACTUOUS and UpSpring poet with her incredible poems “lineage” and “Before the War?” and was our December 2021 .W.o.W. author. She holds a BA in languages from Winthrop University and an MFA in poetry from the University of South Carolina. She uses her poetry and her podcast to tell the multifaceted stories of black women in the world. Raychelle also explores her experiences with the culturally rich communities that she has encountered in her travels. Her work has been published by Travel Noire, Fourth Wave, Yellow Arrow Journal, The Brazen Collective, and Community Building Art Works. She currently works as curriculum director, sanctuary coach, and facilitator for the Unicorn Authors Club. She also regularly facilitates for The World We Want workshop.
Find out more about Raychelle at
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