Highlandtown Writer-in-Residence Opportunity

Writer-in-Residence Opportunity with Highlandtown First Friday Art Walk and Yellow Arrow Publishing
What: Enjoy a three month daytime writing residency in Highlandtown. Get inspired by the First Friday Art Walk and work on your own writing at various venues in Highlandtown. Great opportunity and exposure for Baltimore writers who want to engage with and inspire a passion for the literary arts in the community. Residents will be featured in a reading event on August 2nd during the “Summer Reading” themed art walk as well as in social media promotions with both Yellow Arrow and Highlandtown marketing efforts. Yellow Arrow will also publish a zine featuring residents' work at the end of the 2019 art walk season.
When: We are looking for three writers each year. Each writer will be assigned to either the Spring (April, May, June), Summer (July, August, September), or Fall (October, November, December). During their season, each writer will attend all three Art Walks on the first Friday of each month, and will be provided a minimum of six days to work in various venues in Highlandtown. If more than six work days are desired during the assigned season, we will coordinate this with the venues and writer.
Where: The Highlandtown First Friday Art Walk consists of various art galleries, restaurants, retail locations and other businesses within the Highlandtown neighborhood. Writers-in-residence will become familiar with the venues during their orientation and will be assigned places in the neighborhood where they can work throughout their residency block.
How: Selected writers will create three blog posts in total (minimum 500 words) to be submitted one week after each Art Walk occuring in their designated season. The blog post must be related to the art walk, the participating venues, or Highlandtown in general and will be featured on ihearthighlandtown.com.
Why: Yellow Arrow Publishing is based in Highlandtown and loves supporting our neighborhood events. A large tenant of our mission is to support other writers by providing opportunities to gain visibility in the community. During this residency you will have the opportunity to meet and engage with writers and supportive community members in the arts. Our hope is that you will be inspired by the arts district here in Highlandtown as well as the diverse community we enjoy.
Who: We are looking for Baltimore writers interested in community building and growing their network in the arts. Emerging to career writers are invited to apply. All genres welcome. Perfect for writers needing a little extra time and inspiration for an ongoing project they are already working on, such as a manuscript. Also great for writers who are looking to get inspired and start working on something new.
Ready to apply?
Residency application due by March 8, 2019
Yellow Arrow Publishing seeks to support, nurture and inspire writers identifying as women. We provide writing related opportunities for writers in the Baltimore community and beyond through publication, workshops, and an interactive reading series.