Meet a Board Member: Donna Hutchison


Yellow Arrow Publishing is incredibly excited to officially introduce Director of Online Programming, Donna Hutchison, to the Yellow Arrow family. Donna’s family hails from Baltimore, Maryland, and she spent many summers at the Chesapeake Bay and in Ocean City. For the last 30 years though, she has lived in Boise, Idaho, and travels frequently for her job. She loves spending time with her husband, children, and five granddaughters in the Idaho mountains looking for mushrooms, huckleberries, hiking, four-wheeling, and other outdoor activities. She is a lifelong educator serving both in higher education and as a superintendent of a virtual school. She currently serves in a leadership position at a leading educational technology company. Donna has her doctorate in education and has published work in educational journals, such as Teachers College Record, and is currently working on a book on best practices in online education.

Donna adds, “I joined Yellow Arrow to support women whether through writing, self-confidence, or providing an opportunity for success. As a lifelong educator who has been blessed with opportunities and individuals who have supported my success, I want to encourage other women to find their voice, to join a supportive community, and create opportunities to help in the achievement of their goals.”

Yellow Arrow’s workshops are in full swing thanks to Donna! Don’t forget to check them out and sign up today.

She recently took some time to answer some questions for us. Show her some love in the comments or on Facebook/Instagram!

What do you love most about Baltimore?

I live in Boise, Idaho, but grew up in Richmond, Virginia. My family is from the Baltimore area, and I spent many summers and holidays in and around the Chesapeake Bay. I moved to Idaho about 30 years ago. I love Idaho and the mountains but miss the beach!

How did you get involved with Yellow Arrow and what do you do?

I got involved with Yellow Arrow due to my connection with Annie Marhefka, Executive Director. Annie and I worked together for many years at an online learning company. I currently serve as the Vice President for Educational Partnerships and work closely with K12 superintendents, school boards, universities, and Departments of Education in creating more online learning opportunities for K12 students. My focus in online learning occurred long before the pandemic, and I am an advocate for those students who need different learning opportunities to be successful. One size does not fit all!

What are you working on currently?

We love going to the mountains and have property near a lake about two hours north of Boise. We spend every second in the spring through the fall working on the property and enjoy the outdoors. During the winter months, we plan for the summer projects!

What genre do you write and why?

I am solely an academic writer focused on online learning pedagogy. Over the last 20 years, I did not have an opportunity to write due to family and job obligations but have recently started collaborating with a higher ed colleague on papers and a possible book.

Who is your favorite writer and why? 

In the nonfiction space, my favorite writer is Malcolm Gladwell. He thinks about everyday life, business, and education and challenges our commonly held beliefs. His thought processes are so unique and present topics in ways that I would never even consider. He makes you think.

I also enjoy fiction books that challenge commonly held beliefs. My favorite genre is probably fantasy, especially ones that challenge our social assumptions through the setting, actions of the characters, or circumstances.

Who has inspired and/or supported you most in your writing journey? 

My husband is my inspiration and support. We are opposites in so many ways, but I couldn’t ask for a more supportive partner to inspire me, challenge me, and motivate me to accomplish my goals. 

What do you love most about writing? 

In our busy, media-rich world, writing allows you to slow down, process your thinking, and center your thoughts. It forces you to clearly identify your message so that others can truly understand what you are trying to convey. 

What advice do you have for new writers?

I think the most important advice that I can share is to focus on time management. It is important to set time aside that is free from interruptions and let the mind explore its creativity. I completed my dissertation when my son was 4 years old by waking up at 4 am when the house was quiet and free from distractions. It allowed me three hours of uninterrupted time which was key to successfully completing my writing and research.


Yellow Arrow Publishing is a nonprofit supporting women writers through publication and access to the literary arts.

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