Meet a Board Member: Emily Ross


Yellow Arrow Publishing would like to introduce Emily Ross, our Director of Grants. Emily is an arts and humanities professional with expertise in museum education, social work, and grantmaking. Working at the intersection of culture and human services she champions collaboration and community voices in her career. She holds a BA in art history from the University of Virginia and an MSW from the University of Maryland, Baltimore. She currently works as the Program Officer for Grants at Maryland Humanities. Based in Baltimore, she enjoys trips to the Renaissance Fair, New England beaches, and art museums.

Emily says, “I look forward to being a part of this incredible group of women bringing attention to women’s stories. I also look forward to being a part of Yellow Arrow’s continued fiscal vitality and connecting us to great resources.”

Tell us a little something about yourself:

I lived in Canada for six years as a child. Unfortunately, I don’t have dual citizenship, but I can brag that I’m one degree closer to Margaret Atwood than the average American!

What do you love most about Baltimore?

It’s the most affordable major East Coast city. I also love the character, charm, and local traditions.

How did you get involved with Yellow Arrow and what do you do for us? Why did you want to join the Yellow Arrow team?

I first learned about Yellow Arrow through my work at Maryland Humanities. Yellow Arrow received a grant from us, and I read the application and became interested in the organization. When I heard Yellow Arrow writers read their published work at a Yellow Arrow gathering, it sealed the deal for me to become involved in any way. I was really moved listening to them! I’m excited to bring my skills in grants to Yellow Arrow and to help secure funding for programs.

What are you working on currently?

I’m currently furnishing and designing a new apartment. I just signed a two-year lease which gives me more creative license in my living space. I enjoy interior design, collecting cool art, and making my home a reflection of myself.

What genre do you write or read?

I’m not a creative writer but I love to read. I love reading the romance genre the most because it’s one of the only popular fiction genres where female identifying characters are consistently treated like whole, complex human beings. I also just love love. A reliable happy ending and an escape from reality? Sign me up.

What book is on the top of your to-be-read pile?

I Who Have Never Known Men by Jacqueline Harpman.

Who is your favorite writer and why?

I don’t think I necessarily have a favorite, but I like to provide recommendations. A series that has stuck with me the last few years is The Women of Troy by Pat Barker.

Who has inspired and/or supported you most in your writing journey?

I’m more a technical and academic writer having never dabbled in my own creative writing practice. It’s difficult to gauge where you stand among your peers when you’re writing for school or work so my professors supported me the most with their feedback and encouragement.

What do you love most about writing? 

When I find the best word to use during one of my numerous thesaurus searches.

What advice do you have for new writers?

The same I recommend to new artists—before you can break the rules you must first understand them. However, I think it’s better said the rules get broken in the best way when you have a deep understanding of why you want to break them.

What’s the most important thing you always keep near wherever you work)?

My phone to take TikTok breaks.

What’s your vision for Yellow Arrow in 2024?

More writers, more events, more awareness, more $$$!


Yellow Arrow Publishing is a nonprofit supporting women-identifying writers through publication and access to the literary arts. You can support us as we AMPLIFY women-identifying creatives this year by purchasing one of our publications or a workshop from the Yellow Arrow bookstore, for yourself or as a gift, joining our newsletter, following us on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter, or subscribing to our YouTube channel. Donations are appreciated via PayPal (, Venmo (@yellowarrowpublishing), or US mail (PO Box 65185, Baltimore, Maryland 21209). More than anything, messages of support through any one of our channels are greatly appreciated.