St. Paul Street Provocations by Patti Ross: Advocacy and Social Justice

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Yellow Arrow Publishing announces the release of our latest chapbook, St. Paul Street Provocations, by Patti Ross. Since its establishment in 2016, Yellow Arrow has devoted its efforts to advocate for all women writers through inclusion in the biannual Yellow Arrow Journal as well as single-author publications, and by providing strong author support, writing workshops, and volunteering opportunities. We at Yellow Arrow are excited to continue our mission by supporting Patti in all her writing and publishing endeavors.

St. Paul Street Provocations is a compelling look at current social issues, such as homelessness, that remain sidelined and ignored by those in power. It largely explores experiences and exchanges Patti had while living in Baltimore, Maryland from 2010 to 2013, just one block south of North Avenue on St. Paul Street. She found herself in a neighborhood slighted by its own city. Patti listened, wrote, and became an advocate. The nine poems intertwined with Patti’s stunning artwork work in tandem to give a voice to what Patti herself witnessed over the past decade.

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Patti graduated from Washington, D.C.’s Duke Ellington School for the Performing Arts and The American University. After graduation, several of her journalist pieces were published in the Washington Times and rural American newspapers. Retiring from a career in technology, Patti has rediscovered her love of writing and shares her voice as the spoken-word artist little pi. Her poems are published in the Pen In Hand Journal, PoetryXHunger website, and Oyster River Pages: Composite Dreams Issue, among others.

Paperback and PDF versions of St. Paul Street Provocations are now available from the Yellow Arrow bookstore! Those who ordered a paperback before release will receive their free PDF (with colored interior images!) shortly. If interested in purchasing more than one paperback copy for friends and family, check out our discounted wholesale prices here. You can also search for St. Paul Street Provocations wherever you purchase your books including Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and Kobo. To learn more about Patti and St. Paul Street Provocations, check out our recent interview with her. Keep a lookout for info on Patti’s book launch!

You can find Patti at or on Facebook and Instagram, and connect with Yellow Arrow on Facebook and Instagram, to share some love for this chapbook.


Yellow Arrow Publishing is a nonprofit supporting women writers through publication and access to the literary arts. To learn about publishing, volunteering, or donating, visit If interested in writing a review of St. Paul Street Provocations or any of our other publications, please email for more information.


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