Beyond the Galleons


Beyond the Galleons by Isabel Cristina Legarda is now available as a paperback or PDF (you can order multiple copies at a discount here). Beyond the Galleons is a meditation on Filipino experiences of colonization, ancestral connection, alienation, and the ghosts that haunt people living in geographic or psychological diasporas. Isabel juxtaposes historic moments from the days of Spanish and American colonial rule with threads of real women’s lived experiences to raise awareness of multicultural histories that might be less known or talked about. 

Isabel was born in the Philippines and spent her childhood there before moving to Bethesda, Maryland. She holds degrees in literature and bioethics and is currently a practicing physician in Boston, Massachusetts. Beyond the Galleons first looks at the complicated interactions between Filipino natives and their colonial subjugators, shifting from Spanish to American imperialism, and culminating in imagined individual voices descended from those who lived through these histories. Tagalog, baybayin, Spanish, and English weave together to help tell a sometimes forgotten, sometimes ignored history. Isabel’s poems contemplate longing, resilience, and the need to hold on to memory while moving forward beyond pain.

You can learn more about Isabel in a conversation between the author and Melissa Nunez, Yellow Arrow interviewer, at:

Cover design and interior images by Alexa Laharty.

Thank you for supporting independent publishing.


Beyond the Galleons by Isabel Cristina Legarda is now available as a paperback or PDF (you can order multiple copies at a discount here). Beyond the Galleons is a meditation on Filipino experiences of colonization, ancestral connection, alienation, and the ghosts that haunt people living in geographic or psychological diasporas. Isabel juxtaposes historic moments from the days of Spanish and American colonial rule with threads of real women’s lived experiences to raise awareness of multicultural histories that might be less known or talked about. 

Isabel was born in the Philippines and spent her childhood there before moving to Bethesda, Maryland. She holds degrees in literature and bioethics and is currently a practicing physician in Boston, Massachusetts. Beyond the Galleons first looks at the complicated interactions between Filipino natives and their colonial subjugators, shifting from Spanish to American imperialism, and culminating in imagined individual voices descended from those who lived through these histories. Tagalog, baybayin, Spanish, and English weave together to help tell a sometimes forgotten, sometimes ignored history. Isabel’s poems contemplate longing, resilience, and the need to hold on to memory while moving forward beyond pain.

You can learn more about Isabel in a conversation between the author and Melissa Nunez, Yellow Arrow interviewer, at:

Cover design and interior images by Alexa Laharty.

Thank you for supporting independent publishing.

Beyond the Galleons by Isabel Cristina Legarda is now available as a paperback or PDF (you can order multiple copies at a discount here). Beyond the Galleons is a meditation on Filipino experiences of colonization, ancestral connection, alienation, and the ghosts that haunt people living in geographic or psychological diasporas. Isabel juxtaposes historic moments from the days of Spanish and American colonial rule with threads of real women’s lived experiences to raise awareness of multicultural histories that might be less known or talked about. 

Isabel was born in the Philippines and spent her childhood there before moving to Bethesda, Maryland. She holds degrees in literature and bioethics and is currently a practicing physician in Boston, Massachusetts. Beyond the Galleons first looks at the complicated interactions between Filipino natives and their colonial subjugators, shifting from Spanish to American imperialism, and culminating in imagined individual voices descended from those who lived through these histories. Tagalog, baybayin, Spanish, and English weave together to help tell a sometimes forgotten, sometimes ignored history. Isabel’s poems contemplate longing, resilience, and the need to hold on to memory while moving forward beyond pain.

You can learn more about Isabel in a conversation between the author and Melissa Nunez, Yellow Arrow interviewer, at:

Cover design and interior images by Alexa Laharty.

Thank you for supporting independent publishing.


Beyond the Galleons is a fitting title for the voyage poet Isabel Legarda provides the reader as she captains a tour de force jaunt into Filipino culture, language, and history. Through accessible, richly textured poems thick with first-hand sight and deep passion, she introduced me to the story of the Philippines in a way that made me realize how little I knew beforehand. Through her words I was able see the landscape, hear the language, taste the food, and most importantly engage the rare spirit of the people of these islands. Such stories, such windows into a beautiful culture! Such a universal retelling of human oppression and suffering and the resilient spirit that rises up over and again in nobility, in love, in delight in food and community—the irrepressible human spirit that wins the day rides the waves in the galleons of Legarda’s disciplined word-craft. It joins the short list of favorite poetry collections on my shelf.”

--Amazon reviewer