Yellow Arrow Vignette | SPARK
Elyse Welles
It’s fickle.
Like smoke through a sieve,
it sifts and sorts
for perfection unnamed.
And in submitting,
success is sought,
and the gavel is brought down
by words
by an entity
by Spirit
by energy
untouchable, unformed.
Undefined, it rules our thoughts and minds.
Wisping below and within us
it is always,
the unseen cloud of confusion,
the electric current of decision.
It taps us on our shoulder
zaps us in our dreams and waking thoughts
it asks us,
“does this fit?”
Fit what? It’s baseless needs and wants.
We are beholden,
(we call it free will)
unspoken, our needs are written for us
by the zeitgeist.