Get to know our authors, the foundation and heart of Yellow Arrow Journal, and what writing means to them through our monthly series.
Describe an early experience where you learned that language has power
Music taught me that words have power. If a song can make me have goosebumps and a visceral response then I know it is powerful.
How did you first publish your writing and what was it?
I kept pushing my writing. I just kept tossing my work out there. My first accepted piece was a horror short story, and my first published pieces were in a now defunct journal that was very warm and welcoming to me – which encouraged me to go on. Because not every editor is always the kindest.
What does your inner writing voice tell you?
That I am strong, that I am powerful, that I matter, and people often underestimate me and my worth. It also convinces me to keep going when I don’t always feel like doing so.
You can see Linda’s writing in Yellow Arrow Journal Vol. III Courage and Vol. IV, No. 2 Freedom.