
Get to know our authors, the foundation and heart of Yellow Arrow Journal, and what writing means to them through our monthly series.

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.W.o.W. #9

Meesh Montoya

If you didn’t write, what would you do?

I’d find another way to tell stories: I have a long and complicated history with music-making, so in an alternate universe I may be a troubadour.

What does your inner writing voice tell you?

Only write it if it needs to be written.

What period of your life do you find you write about most often?

Poetry is always now. Fiction is always once upon a time.

Meesh joins the Yellow Arrow family from New York and can be found in Yellow Arrow Journal’s Vol. V, No. 1 Resilience, now available for purchase in the YAP store or on your eBook (search for Yellow Arrow Journal). You can learn more about her at meeshmontoya.com or follow her on Twitter @meeshuggeneh.