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Spin a Yarn: Highlandtown Style

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December 14, 2019

11am - 12pm

Y:ART Gallery

3402 Gough St, Baltimore, MD 21224

Join us for a morning of storytelling with the 2019 Highlandtown Writers-in-Residence. Each resident will share a bit of their work created in or inspired by Highlandtown and talk about how their residency impacted their writing process.

We will then open the floor for storytelling and sharing about Highlandtown. Bring your best tales and trivia about the neighborhood to share with our eager listeners. All welcome to share.

Light refreshments served. Get your hands on the Writer-in-Residence zine, printed in limited edition.

FREE to attend.

Featuring Kerry Graham, Jessica Gregg and Laura Duarte Hazan.

RSVP here:

The Highlandtown Art Walk is sponsored by Yellow Arrow Publishing, Highlandtown Arts District, Baltimore, MD, Highlandtown Main Street and Southeast CDC.