Yellow Arrow Publishing Blog

Yellow Arrow HVF Kapua Iao Yellow Arrow HVF Kapua Iao

Her View Friday

Yellow Arrow Publishing supports women-identifying writers from a wide variety of backgrounds, not just because it’s the right thing to do, but because it makes us stronger. Women’s voices have historically been underrepresented in literature, and we aim to elevate those voices and stories through our programs, publications, and support.

Part of our mission in supporting and uplifting women writers is to promote the Yellow Arrow community’s individual accomplishments. We’d like to further expand that support and promotion outside of our Yellow Arrow publications. Twice a month, we’d like to give a shout out to those within the Yellow Arrow community who recently published:

  • single-author publications

  • single pieces in journals, anthologies, etc., as well as prizes/awards, book reviews, and podcasts/interviews

You can support our authors by reading this blog and their work, sharing their news, and commenting below or on the blog. Congratulations to all the included authors. We are so proud of you!

Every writer has a story to tell and every story is worth telling.

Author: Michele Evans

Michele Evans, a fifth-generation Washingtonian (D.C.) and high school English teacher, is the author of purl. Poems in this debut collection from Finishing Line Press have found homes in places like ASP Bulletin, Maryland Literary Review, Mid-Atlantic Review, Yellow Arrow Journal, and elsewhere. Despite always wearing the color black, she loves blueberries, blue hydrangeas, blues musicians, and Blue Mountain coffee. She lives online at and on Instagram @awordsmithie.

Where are you from: Washington D.C.

What describes your main writing space: Bright and airy; safe; coffee and coconut.

Tell us about your publication: Released by Finishing Line Press on February 14, 2025, purl, a collection of poems, reimagines feminine forces from Homer’s Odyssey and transplants them to modern, urban landscapes. This poignant debut, inspired by the poetry of Phillis Wheatley Peters, amplifies a chorus of the marginalized: queens and maidens, mothers and daughters, wives and mistresses, goddesses and slaves. With each page turn, readers are invited to celebrate the resilience of women bound by those universal traumas threaded through literature and life.

Why this book? Why now? How did it happen? This book is my COVID baby. I was teaching the Odyssey in my English 9 honors class when schools shut down during the pandemic. With a bit more time on my hands, I decided to reclaim my writing voice. I took a few virtual workshops with Moira Egan that summer and penned ten poems. By the time I returned to school the next year (virtually), I had made a list of other women from the epic poem I wanted to write about. My very first published poem ever was accepted by Tangled Locks in December 2022. It is so fitting that the beautiful blue queen on my first book cover wears a crown of tangled locks.

What is your writing goal for the year? I have a draft of a novel that has not been touched in over a year because I have been preoccupied with purl as well as februaries, a finalist manuscript in 2024. At some point this year, I would like to take a course or a trip (a residency or retreat) and find my way back to the story. I also want to make a dent in my “to be read” pile.

What advice do you have for new writers? Someone with a book that needs a home? Write often. Read often. Build relationships with other writers. Find a writing community or an accountability partner, or both. Be patient with the publishing process.

Author: Laurel Maxwell

Laurel Maxwell is a poet from Santa Cruz, California, whose work is inspired by life’s mundane and the natural world. Her work has appeared at baseballballard, coffecontrails, phren-z, Verse-Virtual, Tulip Tree Review, and Yellow Arrow Vignette SPARK. Her creative fiction was a finalist for the Women on Writing Flash Fiction Contest. Her piece, A Still Life, was nominated for Best of the Net by Yellow Arrow Publishing. She has a chapbook forthcoming from Finishing Line Press in 2025. When not writing Laurel enjoys putting her feet in the sand, reading, traveling, and trying not to make too much of a mess baking in a too small kitchen. She works in education.

Where are you from: Santa Cruz, California

What describes your main writing space: cluttered, sunlit, safe.

Tell us about your publication: Released by Finishing Line Press on February 14, 2025, All the Pretty Things Are Dying includes poems that speak to environmental loss, longing for the heart’s desires to be seen and recognized, beauty in life’s everyday moments, and questions that reach into the soul. Many poems rely on close observation of the natural world in order to make sense of our place in the universe and grapple with how to exist while living within a constant state of change and uncertainty.

Why this book? Why now? How did it happen? This book was a long process. I submitted All the Pretty Things Are Dying to a chapbook competition held by Finishing Line Press. It was the second time I had submitted this manuscript for consideration. I worked to put poems together which had a connective bond—in this instance loss and nature. Although I didn’t win the competition, Finishing Line Press wanted to publish my manuscript. It was took two years from acceptance to publication.

What is your writing goal for the year? My writing goal for the year is to keep up a daily writing practice and find ways to continue to experiment with form.

What advice do you have for new writers? Someone with a book that needs a home? My advice for new writers would be to have patience and tenacity. Rejections hurt, but it is a way to regroup and continue to edit work. Look for publishers who align with who you are as a writer.

Yellow Arrow (past and present) board, staff, interns, authors, residents, and instructors alike! Got a publication coming out? Let us help celebrate for you in Her View Friday.

Single-author publications: here.

Single pieces as well as prizes/awards, book reviews, and podcasts/interviews: here.

Please read the instructions on each form carefully; we look forward to congratulating you!


Yellow Arrow Publishing is a nonprofit supporting women-identifying writers through publication and access to the literary arts. You can support us as we BLAZE a path for women-identifying creatives this year by purchasing one of our publications or a workshop from the Yellow Arrow bookstore, for yourself or as a gift, joining our newsletter, following us on Facebook or Instagram, or subscribing to our YouTube channel. Donations are appreciated via PayPal (, Venmo (@yellowarrowpublishing), or US mail (PO Box 65185, Baltimore, Maryland 21209). More than anything, messages of support through any one of our channels are greatly appreciated.

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Yellow Arrow HVF Kapua Iao Yellow Arrow HVF Kapua Iao

Her View Friday

Yellow Arrow Publishing supports women-identifying writers from a wide variety of backgrounds, not just because it’s the right thing to do, but because it makes us stronger. Women’s voices have historically been underrepresented in literature, and we aim to elevate those voices and stories through our programs, publications, and support.

Part of our mission in supporting and uplifting women-identifying creatives is to promote the Yellow Arrow community’s individual accomplishments. We’d like to further expand that support and promotion outside of our Yellow Arrow publications. Twice a month, we’d like to give a shout out to those within the Yellow Arrow community who recently published:

  • single-author publications

  • single pieces in journals, anthologies, etc., as well as prizes/awards, book reviews, and podcasts/interviews

You can support our authors by reading this blog and their work, sharing their news, and commenting below or on the blog. Congratulations to all the included authors. We are so proud of you!

Every writer has a story to tell and every story is worth telling


Tangles by Kay Smith-Blum from Seattle, Washington

Genre: historical suspense

Name of award: Best (New) Debut Fiction from the American Writing Awards

TANGLES is Kay’s debut novel. You can find Kay on Twitter @kaysmithblum, Instagram @discerningksb, and Facebook/Linkedin @kay.smithblum. You can also find her on her website Kay was one of our 2023 Pushcart Prize nominees for “On Edge” in Yellow Arrow Journal UpSpring.

Yellow Arrow (past and present) board, staff, interns, authors, residents, and instructors alike! Got a publication coming out? Let us help celebrate for you in Her View Friday.

Single-author publications: here.

Single pieces as well as prizes/awards, book reviews, and podcasts/interviews: here.

Please read the instructions on each form carefully; we look forward to congratulating you!


Yellow Arrow Publishing is a nonprofit supporting women-identifying writers through publication and access to the literary arts. You can support us as we BLAZE a path for women-identifying creatives this year by purchasing one of our publications or a workshop from the Yellow Arrow bookstore, for yourself or as a gift, joining our newsletter, following us on Facebook or Instagram, or subscribing to our YouTube channel. Donations are appreciated via PayPal (, Venmo (@yellowarrowpublishing), or US mail (PO Box 65185, Baltimore, Maryland 21209). More than anything, messages of support through any one of our channels are greatly appreciated.

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Yellow Arrow HVF Kapua Iao Yellow Arrow HVF Kapua Iao

Her View Friday

Yellow Arrow Publishing supports women-identifying writers from a wide variety of backgrounds, not just because it’s the right thing to do, but because it makes us stronger. Women’s voices have historically been underrepresented in literature, and we aim to elevate those voices and stories through our programs, publications, and support.

Part of our mission in supporting and uplifting women-identifying creatives is to promote the Yellow Arrow community’s individual accomplishments. We’d like to further expand that support and promotion outside of our Yellow Arrow publications. Twice a month, we’d like to give a shout out to those within the Yellow Arrow community who recently published:

  • single-author publications

  • single pieces in journals, anthologies, etc., as well as prizes/awards, book reviews, and podcasts/interviews

You can support our authors by reading this blog and their work, sharing their news, and commenting below or on the blog. Congratulations to all the included authors. We are so proud of you!

Every writer has a story to tell and every story is worth telling

“Breaking silence” by ann van wijgerden from the philippines

Genre: short story

Name of publication: redrosethorns journal

Date Released: October 18, 2024

Type of publication: online

Ann’s poem “Dear Planet” from Yellow Arrow Vignette SPARK was nominated by Yellow Arrow for Best of the Net 2025. Keep up with her on Facebook @ann.vanwijgerden.

“The spirit of dwelling” by heather brown barrett from Virginia

Genre: poetry

Name of publication: The Ekphrastic Review, John Anster Fitzgerald: Ekphrastic Writing Responses

Date Released: November 1, 2024

Type of publication: online

Learn more about Heather on Instagram @heatherbrownbarrett.

Translation of “Roses For Edgar Allan Poe” originally written by Zhao Dahe, translated by Yuemin He From virginia

Genre: poetry

Name of publication: Mayday Magazine

Date Released: November 1, 2024

Type of publication: online

Find Yuemin and news about her other translations on Twitter @HebeR32123.

“embodied” by kellie brown from tennessee

Genre: poetry

Name of publication: Amethyst Review

Date Released: November 8, 2024

Type of publication: online

Connect with Kellie on Twitter @Kelliedbrown1, Instagram @kelliedubelbrown, Facebook @kelliebrown, BlueSky, and Threads @kelliedubelbrown. More of her work can be found at

Yellow Arrow (past and present) board, staff, interns, authors, residents, and instructors alike! Got a publication coming out? Let us help celebrate for you in Her View Friday.

Single-author publications: here.

Single pieces as well as prizes/awards, book reviews, and podcasts/interviews: here.

Please read the instructions on each form carefully; we look forward to congratulating you!


Yellow Arrow Publishing is a nonprofit supporting women-identifying writers through publication and access to the literary arts. You can support us as we AMPLIFY women-identifying creatives this year by purchasing one of our publications or a workshop from the Yellow Arrow bookstore, for yourself or as a gift, joining our newsletter, following us on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter, or subscribing to our YouTube channel. Donations are appreciated via PayPal (, Venmo (@yellowarrowpublishing), or US mail (PO Box 65185, Baltimore, Maryland 21209). More than anything, messages of support through any one of our channels are greatly appreciated.

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Yellow Arrow HVF Kapua Iao Yellow Arrow HVF Kapua Iao

Her View Friday

Yellow Arrow Publishing supports women-identifying writers from a wide variety of backgrounds, not just because it’s the right thing to do, but because it makes us stronger. Women’s voices have historically been underrepresented in literature, and we aim to elevate those voices and stories through our programs, publications, and support.

Part of our mission in supporting and uplifting women-identifying creatives is to promote the Yellow Arrow community’s individual accomplishments. We’d like to further expand that support and promotion outside of our Yellow Arrow publications. Twice a month, we’d like to give a shout out to those within the Yellow Arrow community who recently published:

  • single-author publications

  • single pieces in journals, anthologies, etc., as well as prizes/awards, book reviews, and podcasts/interviews

You can support our authors by reading this blog and their work, sharing their news, and commenting below or on the blog. Congratulations to all the included authors. We are so proud of you!

Every writer has a story to tell and every story is worth telling

“Intercession: ER Waiting Room” by Nancy Hugget from Ottawa, Canada

Genre: poetry

Name of publication: Mom Egg Review for MER: Motherhood Literature & Art

Date Released: September 10, 2024

Type of publication: online

Connect with Nancy on Twitter @nancyhuggett, Instagram @nanhug, Bluesky, and Facebook @nancy.huggett.35.


Four Poems by Laura Rockhold from Minneapolis, Minnesota

Where you can find the poems: Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport

Date on display: September 2024- October 2025

Project locations & poems displayed:

Minnesota Landscapes in Terminal 1 at Gate F10): “LICHEN BLOOMS” and “TAKING HANDS”

Minnesota Waters in Terminal 1 at Gate E8: “CONFLUENCE” and “BDE MAKA SKA (LAKE WHITE EARTH)”

“LICHEN BLOOMS” was included in Yellow Arrow Journal PEREGRINE, Vol. VII, No. 2, Fall 2022. Besides in person at the airport, you can also find the exhibits and the poems (including audio recordings) online at Learn more about Laura on Instagram @laurarockhold_.

Yellow Arrow (past and present) board, staff, interns, authors, residents, and instructors alike! Got a publication coming out? Let us help celebrate for you in Her View Friday.

Single-author publications: here.

Single pieces as well as prizes/awards, book reviews, and podcasts/interviews: here.

Please read the instructions on each form carefully; we look forward to congratulating you!


Yellow Arrow Publishing is a nonprofit supporting women-identifying writers through publication and access to the literary arts. You can support us as we AMPLIFY women-identifying creatives this year by purchasing one of our publications or a workshop from the Yellow Arrow bookstore, for yourself or as a gift, joining our newsletter, following us on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter, or subscribing to our YouTube channel. Donations are appreciated via PayPal (, Venmo (@yellowarrowpublishing), or US mail (PO Box 65185, Baltimore, Maryland 21209). More than anything, messages of support through any one of our channels are greatly appreciated.

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Yellow Arrow HVF Kapua Iao Yellow Arrow HVF Kapua Iao

Her View Friday

Yellow Arrow Publishing supports women-identifying writers from a wide variety of backgrounds, not just because it’s the right thing to do, but because it makes us stronger. Women’s voices have historically been underrepresented in literature, and we aim to elevate those voices and stories through our programs, publications, and support.

Part of our mission in supporting and uplifting women-identifying creatives is to promote the Yellow Arrow community’s individual accomplishments. We’d like to further expand that support and promotion outside of our Yellow Arrow publications. Twice a month, we’d like to give a shout out to those within the Yellow Arrow community who recently published:

  • single-author publications

  • single pieces in journals, anthologies, etc., as well as prizes/awards, book reviews, and podcasts/interviews

You can support our authors by reading this blog and their work, sharing their news, and commenting below or on the blog. Congratulations to all the included authors. We are so proud of you!

Every writer has a story to tell and every story is worth telling

“The Calf” by Kay Smith-Blum from Seattle, Washington

Genre: Fiction

Name of anthology: Feisty Deeds: Historical Fictions of Daring Women

Date released: June 8, 2024

Type of publication: print

Kay was also the coeditor of the anthology; all proceeds benefit the scholarship fund at Women’s Fiction Writers Association. Find the anthology on Amazon.

Find Kay on Instagram @discerningKSB, Facebook @kay.smithblum, and Twitter @kaysmithblum.


Revelation by Nancy Hugget from Ottawa, Canada

Genre: poetry

Name of award: 2024 RBC PEN Canada New Voices Award

Date: July 11, 2024

Connect with Nancy on Twitter @nancyhuggett, Instagram @nanhug, Bluesky, and Facebook @nancy.huggett.35.

Yellow Arrow (past and present) board, staff, interns, authors, residents, and instructors alike! Got a publication coming out? Let us help celebrate for you in Her View Friday.

Single-author publications: here.

Single pieces as well as prizes/awards, book reviews, and podcasts/interviews: here.

Please read the instructions on each form carefully; we look forward to congratulating you!


Yellow Arrow Publishing is a nonprofit supporting women-identifying writers through publication and access to the literary arts. You can support us as we AMPLIFY women-identifying creatives this year by purchasing one of our publications or a workshop from the Yellow Arrow bookstore, for yourself or as a gift, joining our newsletter, following us on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter, or subscribing to our YouTube channel. Donations are appreciated via PayPal (, Venmo (@yellowarrowpublishing), or US mail (PO Box 65185, Baltimore, Maryland 21209). More than anything, messages of support through any one of our channels are greatly appreciated.

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Yellow Arrow HVF Kapua Iao Yellow Arrow HVF Kapua Iao

Her View Friday

Yellow Arrow Publishing supports women-identifying writers from a wide variety of backgrounds, not just because it’s the right thing to do, but because it makes us stronger. Women’s voices have historically been underrepresented in literature, and we aim to elevate those voices and stories through our programs, publications, and support.

Part of our mission in supporting and uplifting women-identifying creatives is to promote the Yellow Arrow community’s individual accomplishments. We’d like to further expand that support and promotion outside of our Yellow Arrow publications. Twice a month, we’d like to give a shout out to those within the Yellow Arrow community who recently published:

  • single-author publications

  • single pieces in journals, anthologies, etc., as well as prizes/awards, book reviews, and podcasts/interviews

You can support our authors by reading this blog and their work, sharing their news, and commenting below or on the blog. Congratulations to all the included authors. We are so proud of you!

Every writer has a story to tell and every story is worth telling

“Claybody” by Samantha J. Pomerantz from Germantown, Maryland

Genre: Poetry

Name of publication: Blue Marble Review

Date released: June 2024

Type of publication: online

“Quiescence” by Kellie Brown from Kingsport, Tennessee

Genre: poetry

Name of publication: Wise Owl

Date released: July 2024

Type of publication: online

You can find Kellie on Instagram @kelliedubelbrown, Threads @kelliedubelbrown, Twitter @kelliedbrown1, Bluesky, and Facebook @kelliebrown.

Yellow Arrow (past and present) board, staff, interns, authors, residents, and instructors alike! Got a publication coming out? Let us help celebrate for you in Her View Friday.

Single-author publications: here.

Single pieces as well as prizes/awards, book reviews, and podcasts/interviews: here.

Please read the instructions on each form carefully; we look forward to congratulating you!


Yellow Arrow Publishing is a nonprofit supporting women-identifying writers through publication and access to the literary arts. You can support us as we AMPLIFY women-identifying creatives this year by purchasing one of our publications or a workshop from the Yellow Arrow bookstore, for yourself or as a gift, joining our newsletter, following us on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter, or subscribing to our YouTube channel. Donations are appreciated via PayPal (, Venmo (@yellowarrowpublishing), or US mail (PO Box 65185, Baltimore, Maryland 21209). More than anything, messages of support through any one of our channels are greatly appreciated.

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Yellow Arrow HVF Kapua Iao Yellow Arrow HVF Kapua Iao

Her View Friday

Yellow Arrow Publishing supports women-identifying writers from a wide variety of backgrounds, not just because it’s the right thing to do, but because it makes us stronger. Women’s voices have historically been underrepresented in literature, and we aim to elevate those voices and stories through our programs, publications, and support.

Part of our mission in supporting and uplifting women-identifying creatives is to promote the Yellow Arrow community’s individual accomplishments. We’d like to further expand that support and promotion outside of our Yellow Arrow publications. Twice a month, we’d like to give a shout out to those within the Yellow Arrow community who recently published:

  • single-author publications

  • single pieces in journals, anthologies, etc., as well as prizes/awards, book reviews, and podcasts/interviews

You can support our authors by reading this blog and their work, sharing their news, and commenting below or on the blog. Congratulations to all the included authors. We are so proud of you!

Every writer has a story to tell and every story is worth telling

“Fractions Are Numbers that Are Not Whole” by Nancy Huggett from Ottawa, Canada

Genre: poetry

Name of publication: Waterwheel Review

Date released: June 2024

Type of publication: online

Meet Nancy on Instagram @nanhug, on Twitter @nancyhuggett, and on Facebook @nancy.huggett.35.

Yellow Arrow (past and present) board, staff, interns, authors, residents, and instructors alike! Got a publication coming out? Let us help celebrate for you in Her View Friday.

Single-author publications: here.

Single pieces as well as prizes/awards, book reviews, and podcasts/interviews: here.

Please read the instructions on each form carefully; we look forward to congratulating you!


Yellow Arrow Publishing is a nonprofit supporting women-identifying writers through publication and access to the literary arts. You can support us as we AMPLIFY women-identifying creatives this year by purchasing one of our publications or a workshop from the Yellow Arrow bookstore, for yourself or as a gift, joining our newsletter, following us on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter, or subscribing to our YouTube channel. Donations are appreciated via PayPal (, Venmo (@yellowarrowpublishing), or US mail (PO Box 65185, Baltimore, Maryland 21209). More than anything, messages of support through any one of our channels are greatly appreciated.

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Yellow Arrow HVF Kapua Iao Yellow Arrow HVF Kapua Iao

Her View Friday

Yellow Arrow Publishing supports women-identifying writers from a wide variety of backgrounds, not just because it’s the right thing to do, but because it makes us stronger. Women’s voices have historically been underrepresented in literature, and we aim to elevate those voices and stories through our programs, publications, and support.

Part of our mission in supporting and uplifting women-identifying creatives is to promote the Yellow Arrow community’s individual accomplishments. We’d like to further expand that support and promotion outside of our Yellow Arrow publications. Twice a month, we’d like to give a shout out to those within the Yellow Arrow community who recently published:

  • single-author publications

  • single pieces in journals, anthologies, etc., as well as prizes/awards, book reviews, and podcasts/interviews

You can support our authors by reading this blog and their work, sharing their news, and commenting below or on the blog. Congratulations to all the included authors. We are so proud of you!

Every writer has a story to tell and every story is worth telling

“TENding” by Heather Brown Barrett from Virginia

Genre: poetry

Name of publication: The Ekphrastic Review

Date released: February 2024

Type of publication: online

Meet Heather on Instagram @heatherbrownbarrett.

Yellow Arrow (past and present) board, staff, interns, authors, residents, and instructors alike! Got a publication coming out? Let us help celebrate for you in Her View Friday.

Single-author publications: here.

Single pieces as well as prizes/awards, book reviews, and podcasts/interviews: here.

Please read the instructions on each form carefully; we look forward to congratulating you!


Yellow Arrow Publishing is a nonprofit supporting women-identifying writers through publication and access to the literary arts. You can support us as we AMPLIFY women-identifying creatives this year by purchasing one of our publications or a workshop from the Yellow Arrow bookstore, for yourself or as a gift, joining our newsletter, following us on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter, or subscribing to our YouTube channel. Donations are appreciated via PayPal (, Venmo (@yellowarrowpublishing), or US mail (PO Box 65185, Baltimore, Maryland 21209). More than anything, messages of support through any one of our channels are greatly appreciated.

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Yellow Arrow HVF Yellow Arrow Yellow Arrow HVF Yellow Arrow

Her View Friday

Yellow Arrow Publishing supports women-identifying writers from a wide variety of backgrounds, not just because it’s the right thing to do, but because it makes us stronger. Women’s voices have historically been underrepresented in literature, and we aim to elevate those voices and stories through our programs, publications, and support.

Part of our mission in supporting and uplifting women writers is to promote the Yellow Arrow community’s individual accomplishments. We’d like to further expand that support and promotion outside of our Yellow Arrow publications. Twice a month, we’d like to give a shout out to those within the Yellow Arrow community who recently published:

  • single-author publications

  • single pieces in journals, anthologies, etc., as well as prizes/awards, book reviews, and podcasts/interviews

You can support our authors by reading this blog and their work, sharing their news, and commenting below or on the blog. Congratulations to all the included authors. We are so proud of you!

Every writer has a story to tell and every story is worth telling.

Author: Susan Ayres

Tell us about yourself: Susan Ayres is a poet, lawyer, and translator. Her work has been nominated for a Pushcart Prize and has appeared in a wide variety of literary and scholarly journals including Yale Journal of Law and Feminism, Sycamore Review, Cimarron Review, and Valparaiso Review. She holds an MFA in creative writing from Vermont College of Fine Arts and teaches at Texas A&M University Law School. Visit her website at

Her poem “Pimiento Cheese” was included in Yellow Arrow Journal EMBLAZON (Vol. VIII, No. 2).

Where are you from: Fort Worth, Texas

What describes your main writing space: light, horizon of trees, scent of rosemary

Tell us about your publication: The prose poems and lyric verses in Walk Like the Bird Flies (Finishing Line Press, December 2023) invite you to explore identity, history, nature, myth, and art. From Judge Roy Bean to Medea, from Étienne Trouvelot to Princess Di, these poems walk like the bird flies, traveling an emotive journey through love and loss, in imagined and actual landscapes.

Why this book? Why now? How did it happen for you: This collection about journeys to different parts of the world helped me survive the isolation of COVID.

What advice do you have for other writers: Be persistent!

What else are you working on/doing that you’d like to share: A series of poems about the Mexican Revolution.

You can find Susan on Facebook @susan.ayres.589.

Author: Leticia Priebe Rocha

Tell us about yourself: I am a poet and have been writing since I was in high school. I am also a visual artist, focusing primarily on mixed media collages. If I am not creating, then I am experiencing the creations of others by going to readings, museums, shows, and the theater. Creativity and art sustain me! I first joined the Yellow Arrow family when my poem “Lost In” was in the Yellow Arrow Journal PEREGRINE (Vol. VII, No. 2) issue. I was the .W.o.W. #46 (March 2023), served as guest editor for the Yellow Arrow Journal EMBLAZON (Vol. VIII, No. 2) issue, and am currently part of the team as a reader!

Where are you from: Medford, Massachusetts

What describes your main writing space: vibrant, expansive, home

Tell us about your publication: In Lieu of Heartbreak, This is Like (Bottlecap Press, February 2024) untangles the messy, heartrending, and always miraculous experience of love in all of its forms. It is a love letter to feeling, to aliveness, to loneliness, and to the self, ever reaching for radiance.

Why this book? Why now? How did it happen for you: I started writing this book almost two years ago in the aftermath of a heartbreak I resisted labeling as a heartbreak for some time. Poems flowed out of me in my hurt, and I had a manuscript put together fairly quickly. Initially, I thought I was writing to the beloved who hurt me. Slowly, as I explored my pain, the poems changed. I unearthed other forms of heartbreak that I had buried deep. I found a profound appreciation for having experienced the fundamentally human experience of love, no matter the outcome. Above all, I found the well of love within me is not tied to one person—it is abundant and can be turned inward. The book is almost entirely different from the first manuscript I wrote, and I am so grateful for the doors that closed so that this one could open. Above all, I am grateful that I listened to myself and did not give up on this project—it truly feels like it landed where it was meant to because I reached the place I needed to be.

What is your writing goal for the year: To write more consistently, specifically drafting or editing at least one poem every week!

What else are you working on: I’m in the beginning stages of my first full-length collection—seeing where the poems take me!

What advice do you have for other writers: Keep going. The writing life is fraught with rejection at every level of one’s career. Swat the ‘nos’ away like flies and follow your intuition to the next ‘yes.’

For more information, visit Leticia’s website or find her on Instagram @letiprieberochapoems, Facebook @leticiaprieberocha, and Twitter @LetiPriebeRocha.

Yellow Arrow (past and present) board, staff, interns, authors, residents, and instructors alike! Got a publication coming out? Let us help celebrate for you in Her View Friday.

Single-author publications: here.

Single pieces as well as prizes/awards, book reviews, and podcasts/interviews: here.

Please read the instructions on each form carefully; we look forward to congratulating you!


Yellow Arrow Publishing is a nonprofit supporting women-identifying writers through publication and access to the literary arts. You can support us as we AMPLIFY women-identifying creatives this year by purchasing one of our publications or a workshop from the Yellow Arrow bookstore, for yourself or as a gift, joining our newsletter, following us on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter, or subscribing to our YouTube channel. Donations are appreciated via PayPal (, Venmo (@yellowarrowpublishing), or US mail (PO Box 65185, Baltimore, Maryland 21209). More than anything, messages of support through any one of our channels are greatly appreciated.

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Yellow Arrow HVF Yellow Arrow Yellow Arrow HVF Yellow Arrow

Her View Friday

Yellow Arrow Publishing supports women-identifying writers from a wide variety of backgrounds, not just because it’s the right thing to do, but because it makes us stronger. Women’s voices have historically been underrepresented in literature, and we aim to elevate those voices and stories through our programs, publications, and support.

Part of our mission in supporting and uplifting women-identifying creatives is to promote the Yellow Arrow community’s individual accomplishments. We’d like to further expand that support and promotion outside of our Yellow Arrow publications. Twice a month, we’d like to give a shout out to those within the Yellow Arrow community who recently published:

  • single-author publications

  • single pieces in journals, anthologies, etc., as well as prizes/awards, book reviews, and podcasts/interviews

You can support our authors by reading this blog and their work, sharing their news, and commenting below or on the blog. Congratulations to all the included authors. We are so proud of you!

Every writer has a story to tell and every story is worth telling

“1964,” in That Pho,” and “Morning Love” by Martha Klein Henrickson from canada

Genre: poetry

Name of podcast: Boomer Bedtime Stories

Date released: February 2024

Find the podcast at

Meet Martha on her website at, Facebook @martha.henrickson, LinkedIn @martha-henrickson-b64b521b, and Instagram @marthahenrickson.

Note that Yellow Arrow author Ellen Dooling Reynard (No Batteries Required) also participated in the podcast!

Yellow Arrow (past and present) board, staff, interns, authors, residents, and instructors alike! Got a publication coming out? Let us help celebrate for you in Her View Friday.

Single-author publications: here.

Single pieces as well as prizes/awards, book reviews, and podcasts/interviews: here.

Please read the instructions on each form carefully; we look forward to congratulating you!


Yellow Arrow Publishing is a nonprofit supporting women-identifying writers through publication and access to the literary arts. You can support us as we AMPLIFY women-identifying creatives this year by purchasing one of our publications or a workshop from the Yellow Arrow bookstore, for yourself or as a gift, joining our newsletter, following us on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter, or subscribing to our YouTube channel. Donations are appreciated via PayPal (, Venmo (@yellowarrowpublishing), or US mail (PO Box 65185, Baltimore, Maryland 21209). More than anything, messages of support through any one of our channels are greatly appreciated.

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Yellow Arrow HVF Yellow Arrow Yellow Arrow HVF Yellow Arrow

Her View Friday

Yellow Arrow Publishing supports women-identifying writers from a wide variety of backgrounds, not just because it’s the right thing to do, but because it makes us stronger. Women’s voices have historically been underrepresented in literature, and we aim to elevate those voices and stories through our programs, publications, and support.

Part of our mission in supporting and uplifting women-identifying creatives is to promote the Yellow Arrow community’s individual accomplishments. We’d like to further expand that support and promotion outside of our Yellow Arrow publications. Twice a month, we’d like to give a shout out to those within the Yellow Arrow community who recently published:

  • single-author publications

  • single pieces in journals, anthologies, etc., as well as prizes/awards, book reviews, and podcasts/interviews

You can support our authors by reading this blog and their work, sharing their news, and commenting below or on the blog. Congratulations to all the included authors. We are so proud of you!

Every writer has a story to tell and every story is worth telling

Embracing the Darkness​” by Michelle Levy from Smallwood, New York

Genre: creative nonfiction

Name of publication: Discover Magazine

Date published: August 2023

Type of publication: print and online

Find the publication here or at

Meet Michelle on Instagram @michellesydneylevy or Facebook @originalprint.

“Stripped​” by Kay Smith-Blum from Seattle, Washington

Genre: flash fiction

Name of publication: Heathentide Orphans anthology from Zoetic Press

Date published: December 2023

Type of publication: print

Connect with Kay on Instagram @discerningKSB, Facebook @kay.smithblum, LinkedIn @kay-smith-blum-3877273, and Twitter @kaysmithblum.

(you can find other Yellow Arrow authors included in the anthology!!)

“What I Learned About Writing From Donkey Kong​” by Wendy Swift from Farmington, Connecticut

Genre: nonfiction

Name of publication: Brevity Blog

Date published: December 15, 2023

Type of publication: print

Find Wendy on Facebook @wendy.swift.902819 and Instagram @wendyjswiftauthor.

Yellow Arrow (past and present) board, staff, interns, authors, residents, and instructors alike! Got a publication coming out? Let us help celebrate for you in Her View Friday.

Single-author publications: here.

Single pieces as well as prizes/awards, book reviews, and podcasts/interviews: here.

Please read the instructions on each form carefully; we look forward to congratulating you!


Yellow Arrow Publishing is a nonprofit supporting women-identifying writers through publication and access to the literary arts. You can support us as we AMPLIFY women-identifying creatives this year by purchasing one of our publications or a workshop from the Yellow Arrow bookstore, for yourself or as a gift, joining our newsletter, following us on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter, or subscribing to our YouTube channel. Donations are appreciated via PayPal (, Venmo (@yellowarrowpublishing), or US mail (PO Box 65185, Baltimore, Maryland 21209). More than anything, messages of support through any one of our channels are greatly appreciated.

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Yellow Arrow HVF Yellow Arrow Yellow Arrow HVF Yellow Arrow

Her View Friday

Yellow Arrow Publishing supports women-identifying writers from a wide variety of backgrounds, not just because it’s the right thing to do, but because it makes us stronger. Women’s voices have historically been underrepresented in literature, and we aim to elevate those voices and stories through our programs, publications, and support.

Part of our mission in supporting and uplifting women writers is to promote the Yellow Arrow community’s individual accomplishments. We’d like to further expand that support and promotion outside of our Yellow Arrow publications. Twice a month, we’d like to give a shout out to those within the Yellow Arrow community who recently published:

  • single-author publications

  • single pieces in journals, anthologies, etc. as well as prizes/awards

You can support our authors by reading this blog and their work, sharing their news, and commenting below or on the blog. Congratulations to all the included authors. We are so proud of you!

Every writer has a story to tell and every story is worth telling

“Freight Train​” by Emma Gawlinski from the United kingdom (living in spain)

Genre: poetry

Name of publication: Ink Sweat & Tears

Date published: October 2023

Type of publication: online

Find Emma on Twitter @EClinski.


“The Perseids” by Nancy Hugget from Ottawa

Genre: creative nonfiction

Name of award: Best of the Net and Pushcart Prize

Winner of last year’s American Literary Review’s essay contest

Connect with Nancy on Twitter @nancyhuggett, Instagram @nanhug, or Facebook @huggett.35.

Yellow Arrow (past and present) board, staff, interns, authors, residents, and instructors alike! Got a publication coming out? Let us help celebrate for you in Her View Friday.

Single-author publications: here.

Single pieces and awards/prizes: here.

Please read the instructions on each form carefully; we look forward to congratulating you!


Yellow Arrow Publishing is a nonprofit supporting women writers through publication and access to the literary arts. You can support us as we SPARK and sparkle this year: purchase one of our publications from the Yellow Arrow bookstore, join our newsletter, follow us on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter or subscribe to our YouTube channel. Donations are appreciated via PayPal (, Venmo (@yellowarrowpublishing), or US mail (PO Box 65185, Baltimore, Maryland 21209). More than anything, messages of support through any one of our channels are greatly appreciated.

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Yellow Arrow HVF Yellow Arrow Yellow Arrow HVF Yellow Arrow

Her View Friday

Yellow Arrow Publishing supports women-identifying writers from a wide variety of backgrounds, not just because it’s the right thing to do, but because it makes us stronger. Women’s voices have historically been underrepresented in literature, and we aim to elevate those voices and stories through our programs, publications, and support.

Part of our mission in supporting and uplifting women writers is to promote the Yellow Arrow community’s individual accomplishments. We’d like to further expand that support and promotion outside of our Yellow Arrow publications. Twice a month, we’d like to give a shout out to those within the Yellow Arrow community who recently published:

  • single-author publications

  • single pieces in journals, anthologies, etc. as well as prizes/awards

You can support our authors by reading this blog and their work, sharing their news, and commenting below or on the blog. Congratulations to all the included authors. We are so proud of you!

Every writer has a story to tell and every story is worth telling

“At the Corn Maze, I Wait—​” by Rebecca Brock from Leesburg, Virginia

Genre: poetry

Name of publication: THRUSH

Date published: November 2023

Type of publication: online

Find Rebecca on Instagram @rebecca_brock.writer and on Twitter @wordsbyRB.

Yellow Arrow (past and present) board, staff, interns, authors, residents, and instructors alike! Got a publication coming out? Let us help celebrate for you in Her View Friday.

Single-author publications: here.

Single pieces and awards/prizes: here.

Please read the instructions on each form carefully; we look forward to congratulating you!


Yellow Arrow Publishing is a nonprofit supporting women writers through publication and access to the literary arts. You can support us as we SPARK and sparkle this year: purchase one of our publications from the Yellow Arrow bookstore, join our newsletter, follow us on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter or subscribe to our YouTube channel. Donations are appreciated via PayPal (, Venmo (@yellowarrowpublishing), or US mail (PO Box 65185, Baltimore, Maryland 21209). More than anything, messages of support through any one of our channels are greatly appreciated.

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Yellow Arrow HVF Yellow Arrow Yellow Arrow HVF Yellow Arrow

Her View Friday

Yellow Arrow Publishing supports women-identifying writers from a wide variety of backgrounds, not just because it’s the right thing to do, but because it makes us stronger. Women’s voices have historically been underrepresented in literature, and we aim to elevate those voices and stories through our programs, publications, and support.

Part of our mission in supporting and uplifting women writers is to promote the Yellow Arrow community’s individual accomplishments. We’d like to further expand that support and promotion outside of our Yellow Arrow publications. Twice a month, we’d like to give a shout out to those within the Yellow Arrow community who recently published:

  • single-author publications

  • single pieces in journals, anthologies, etc. as well as prizes/awards

You can support our authors by reading this blog and their work, sharing their news, and commenting below or on the blog. Congratulations to all the included authors. We are so proud of you!

Every writer has a story to tell and every story is worth telling.

Author: Angela Acosta

Tell us about yourself: Angela Acosta (she/her) is a bilingual Mexican American poet and Visiting Assistant Professor of Hispanic Studies at Davidson College. Her creative and academic work center on imagining possible worlds and preserving the cultural legacies of women writers. Her writing has appeared in Copihue Poetry, Shoreline of Infinity, Apparition Lit, Radon Journal, and Space & Time. She is the author of Summoning Space Travelers (Hiraeth Publishing, 2022) and A Belief in Cosmic Dailiness: Poems of a Fabled Universe (Red Ogre Review, 2023). She has published on female life-writing, poetry, and literary personas in Persona Studies, Ámbitos Feministas, and Feminist Modernist Studies. She has published the poem “A Centennial for Herstory" as part of the Yellow Arrow Vignette SPARK series in July 2023.

Where are you from: Gainesville, Florida

What describes your main writing space: Eraser dust, lamp, simplicity

Tell us about your publication: A Belief in Cosmic Dailiness: Poems of a Fabled Universe is a bilingual English-Spanish collection of Latinx Futurist poetry. Celebrate the dailiness of multilingual and divergent Latinx futures while seated around a campfire. The 26 poems and six translations in this speculative chapbook travel from the solar system to Andromeda to envision coming of age rituals, companionship, and the responsibilities of work and daily life around distant stars. This book is published by Red Ogre Review via a grant from the Science Fiction & Fantasy Writers Association. The book is available on Amazon; 100% of the proceeds go to the author.

Why this book? Why now? How did it happen for you: When I saw the call for submissions for Red Ogre Review’s speculative chapbook series, I was eager to finish putting together a collection I had been mulling over. After my full-length collection Summoning Space Travelers (Hiraeth Books, 2022), I wanted to put together a chapbook that leaned into possible Latinx futures and the dailiness of life in the future. As I share in my author's note, it was important for me to have this creative outlet while finishing the dissertation. Watching this collection take shape reminded me of the love and support I have received on my journey as a writer and now new faculty member.

What is your writing goal for the year: Right now I'm taking some time off after publishing this chapbook and completing my dissertation this spring. When I do have time to write, I've been honing my craft writing flash fiction and speculative short stories.

What advice do you have for other writers: I’d encourage writers to connect with writing groups. Joining Discord servers and Facebook groups helps newer writers find outlets for their work and hear opinions and options about publishers. I’ve appreciated having space to ask questions and gain an inside look at querying, writing, and editing.

What else are you working on/doing that you’d like to share: My chapbook Fourth Generation Chicana Unicorn will be published by Dancing Girl Press in the coming months!

You can find Angela on Instagram @aaperiquito.

Author: Ute Carson

Tell us about yourself: Ute Carson, a German-born writer from youth and an MA graduate in comparative literature from the University of Rochester, published her first prose piece in 1977. Writing since her youth, by the time she had found Yellow Arrow Publishing, she had widely published books, poetry collections, and essays. In the fall of 2020, Ute published with Yellow Arrow Journal (in Vol. V, No. 3, (Re)Formation) her poem "Risks Around Each Corner" and to her delight the following year her poetry collection Listen (2021) was published by them.

Where are you from: Ute resides in Austin, Texas, with her husband. They have three daughters, six grandchildren, a horse, and a clowder of cats.

What describes your main writing space: I write everywhere I can find space but as shown in the photo (right), I often have to share my desk with one of our cats.

Tell us about your publication: My new poetry collection In the Blink of an Eye has just been released by Kelsay Books. It contains a potpourri of themes from animals to children (grandchildren) and aging. It is available on Amazon and online with Kelsay Books. Signed copies are available from me directly.

Why this book? Why now? How did it happen for you: I am 83 and I won’t publish too many more books, but I will continue to write. I am never at a loss for subjects and images.

What advice do you have for other writers: For new writers, I have only one piece of advice. Believe in your work and if you are satisfied with what you have written share it with an audience. Never get discouraged in your search for a home!

You can find Ute on Facebook @ute.carson or on her website at

Yellow Arrow (past and present) board, staff, interns, authors, residents, and instructors alike! Got a publication coming out? Let us help celebrate for you in Her View Friday.

Single-author publications: here.

Single pieces and awards/prizes: here.

Please read the instructions on each form carefully; we look forward to congratulating you!


Yellow Arrow Publishing is a nonprofit supporting women writers through publication and access to the literary arts. You can support us as we SPARK and sparkle this year: purchase one of our publications from the Yellow Arrow bookstore, join our newsletter, follow us on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter or subscribe to our YouTube channel. Donations are appreciated via PayPal (, Venmo (@yellowarrowpublishing), or US mail (PO Box 65185, Baltimore, Maryland 21209). More than anything, messages of support through any one of our channels are greatly appreciated.

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Yellow Arrow HVF Yellow Arrow Yellow Arrow HVF Yellow Arrow

Her View Friday

Yellow Arrow Publishing supports women-identifying writers from a wide variety of backgrounds, not just because it’s the right thing to do, but because it makes us stronger. Women’s voices have historically been underrepresented in literature, and we aim to elevate those voices and stories through our programs, publications, and support.

Part of our mission in supporting and uplifting women writers is to promote the Yellow Arrow community’s individual accomplishments. We’d like to further expand that support and promotion outside of our Yellow Arrow publications. Twice a month, we’d like to give a shout out to those within the Yellow Arrow community who recently published:

  • single-author publications

  • single pieces in journals, anthologies, etc. as well as prizes/awards

You can support our authors by reading this blog and their work, sharing their news, and commenting below or on the blog. Congratulations to all the included authors. We are so proud of you!

Every writer has a story to tell and every story is worth telling

“Rough draft” by Annie Marhefka from Baltimore, MAryland

Genre: hybrid

Name of publication: HAD

Date published: September 3, 2023

Type of publication: online

Find Annie on social media @anniemarhefka.

“Blue Moon, October 31, 2020” by Heather Brown Barrett from virginia

Genre: poem

Name of publication: Visual Verse

Date published: September 23, 2023

Type of publication: online

Find Heather on Instagram @heatherbrownbarrett.


Full Scholarship to Granta’s nature writing workshop, awarded to L.M. Cole from north carolina

Genre: writing workshop

Name of company: Granta Writers’ Workshop

Workshop Begins: September 25, 2023

Find L.M. on Twitter @_scoops__.

Yellow Arrow (past and present) board, staff, interns, authors, residents, and instructors alike! Got a publication coming out? Let us help celebrate for you in Her View Friday.

Single-author publications: here.

Single pieces and awards/prizes: here.

Please read the instructions on each form carefully; we look forward to congratulating you!


Yellow Arrow Publishing is a nonprofit supporting women writers through publication and access to the literary arts. You can support us as we SPARK and sparkle this year: purchase one of our publications from the Yellow Arrow bookstore, join our newsletter, follow us on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter or subscribe to our YouTube channel. Donations are appreciated via PayPal (, Venmo (@yellowarrowpublishing), or US mail (PO Box 65185, Baltimore, Maryland 21209). More than anything, messages of support through any one of our channels are greatly appreciated.

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Yellow Arrow HVF Yellow Arrow Yellow Arrow HVF Yellow Arrow

Her View Friday

Yellow Arrow Publishing supports women-identifying writers from a wide variety of backgrounds, not just because it’s the right thing to do, but because it makes us stronger. Women’s voices have historically been underrepresented in literature, and we aim to elevate those voices and stories through our programs, publications, and support.

Part of our mission in supporting and uplifting women writers is to promote the Yellow Arrow community’s individual accomplishments. We’d like to further expand that support and promotion outside of our Yellow Arrow publications. Twice a month, we’d like to give a shout out to those within the Yellow Arrow community who recently published:

  • single-author publications

  • single pieces in journals, anthologies, etc. as well as prizes/awards

You can support our authors by reading this blog and their work, sharing their news, and commenting below or on the blog. Congratulations to all the included authors. We are so proud of you!

Every writer has a story to tell and every story is worth telling

“the becoming” by lucy M. Logsdon from illinois

Genre: poetry

Name of publication: Rogue Agent

Date published: August 1, 2023

Type of publication: online

Find Lucy on Facebook @LucyLog64.

Yellow Arrow (past and present) board, staff, interns, authors, residents, and instructors alike! Got a publication coming out? Let us help celebrate for you in Her View Friday.

Single-author publications: here.

Single pieces and awards/prizes: here.

Please read the instructions on each form carefully; we look forward to congratulating you!


Yellow Arrow Publishing is a nonprofit supporting women writers through publication and access to the literary arts. You can support us as we SPARK and sparkle this year: purchase one of our publications from the Yellow Arrow bookstore, join our newsletter, follow us on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter or subscribe to our YouTube channel. Donations are appreciated via PayPal (, Venmo (@yellowarrowpublishing), or US mail (PO Box 65185, Baltimore, Maryland 21209). More than anything, messages of support through any one of our channels are greatly appreciated.

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Yellow Arrow HVF Yellow Arrow Yellow Arrow HVF Yellow Arrow

Her View Friday

Yellow Arrow Publishing supports women-identifying writers from a wide variety of backgrounds, not just because it’s the right thing to do, but because it makes us stronger. Women’s voices have historically been underrepresented in literature, and we aim to elevate those voices and stories through our programs, publications, and support.

Part of our mission in supporting and uplifting women writers is to promote the Yellow Arrow community’s individual accomplishments. We’d like to further expand that support and promotion outside of our Yellow Arrow publications. Twice a month, we’d like to give a shout out to those within the Yellow Arrow community who recently published:

  • single-author publications

  • single pieces in journals, anthologies, etc. as well as prizes/awards

You can support our authors by reading this blog and their work, sharing their news, and commenting below or on the blog. Congratulations to all the included authors. We are so proud of you!

Every writer has a story to tell and every story is worth telling

“gray” by Sara Palmer from baltimore, maryland

Genre: poetry

Name of publication: Ekphrastic Review

Date published: June 2023

Type of publication: online

Find Sara on Facebook @sara.p5455 and @sara.palmer.5455.

“Tamales on Mars, The Optics of Space Travel, Regarding the Memory of Earth: Speculative poems” by angela acosta from Gainesville, Florida

Genre: poetry

Name of publication: 2023 Rhysling Award Anthology

Date published: July 1, 2023

Type of publication: print

Find Angela on Instagram @aaperiquito.

“No Whimpering” by Ute carson from Austin, texas

Genre: hybrid

Name of publication: SAGE-ING

Date published: summer 2023

Type of publication: online


“Tamales on Mars, The Optics of Space Travel, Regarding the Memory of Earth: Speculative poems” by angela acosta from Gainesville, Florida

Genre: poetry

Name of publication: 2023 Utopia Awards finalist

Date published: July 2023

Find Angela on Instagram @aaperiquito.

Yellow Arrow (past and present) board, staff, interns, authors, residents, and instructors alike! Got a publication coming out? Let us help celebrate for you in Her View Friday.

Single-author publications: here.

Single pieces and awards/prizes: here.

Please read the instructions on each form carefully; we look forward to congratulating you!


Yellow Arrow Publishing is a nonprofit supporting women writers through publication and access to the literary arts. You can support us as we SPARK and sparkle this year: purchase one of our publications from the Yellow Arrow bookstore, join our newsletter, follow us on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter or subscribe to our YouTube channel. Donations are appreciated via PayPal (, Venmo (@yellowarrowpublishing), or US mail (PO Box 65185, Baltimore, Maryland 21209). More than anything, messages of support through any one of our channels are greatly appreciated.

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Yellow Arrow HVF Yellow Arrow Yellow Arrow HVF Yellow Arrow

Her View Friday

Yellow Arrow Publishing supports women-identifying writers from a wide variety of backgrounds, not just because it’s the right thing to do, but because it makes us stronger. Women’s voices have historically been underrepresented in literature, and we aim to elevate those voices and stories through our programs, publications, and support.

Part of our mission in supporting and uplifting women writers is to promote the Yellow Arrow community’s individual accomplishments. We’d like to further expand that support and promotion outside of our Yellow Arrow publications. Twice a month, we’d like to give a shout out to those within the Yellow Arrow community who recently published:

  • single-author publications

  • single pieces in journals, anthologies, etc. as well as prizes/awards

You can support our authors by reading this blog and their work, sharing their news, and commenting below or on the blog. Congratulations to all the included authors. We are so proud of you!

Every writer has a story to tell and every story is worth telling

“rebirth” BY tess kay from minneapolis, minnesota

Genre: poetry

Name of publication: Flora Fiction

Date published: Spring 2023

Type of publication: print and online

Find Tess on Facebook @tess.dajc.

“I am, you are” BY Rebecca Brock from leesburg, virginia

Genre: poetry

Name of publication: Split Rock Review

Date published: Spring 2023

Type of publication: online

“Poetry Translation Folios with Work by Chinese Poet Zhang Zhihao” BY Yuemin He from chengdu, china

Genre: poetry translation

Name of publication: Copper Nickel

Date published: March 2023

Type of publication: print and online

“How Can a Culturally Responsive Discussion of the Five-Paragraph Essay Help Asian American Students Write Well?” BY Yuemin He from Chengdu, China

Genre: nonfiction

Name of publication: Inquiry

Date published: April 18, 2023

Type of publication: print and online


“Scientists Determine Time Perception Varies in Animals” by rebecca brock from leesburg, virginia

Genre: poetry

Name of publication: 2023 Sweet Lit Poetry Contest finalist

Date published: June 2023

Type of publication: online

Find Rebecca on Twitter @wordsbyRB and Instagram @rebecca_brock.writer.

Yellow Arrow (past and present) board, staff, interns, authors, residents, and instructors alike! Got a publication coming out? Let us help celebrate for you in Her View Friday.

Single-author publications: here.

Single pieces and awards/prizes: here.

Please read the instructions on each form carefully; we look forward to congratulating you!


Yellow Arrow Publishing is a nonprofit supporting women writers through publication and access to the literary arts. You can support us as we SPARK and sparkle this year: purchase one of our publications from the Yellow Arrow bookstore, join our newsletter, follow us on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter or subscribe to our YouTube channel. Donations are appreciated via PayPal (, Venmo (@yellowarrowpublishing), or US mail (PO Box 65185, Baltimore, Maryland 21209). More than anything, messages of support through any one of our channels are greatly appreciated.

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Yellow Arrow HVF Yellow Arrow Yellow Arrow HVF Yellow Arrow

Her View Friday

Yellow Arrow Publishing supports women-identifying writers from a wide variety of backgrounds, not just because it’s the right thing to do, but because it makes us stronger. Women’s voices have historically been underrepresented in literature, and we aim to elevate those voices and stories through our programs, publications, and support.

Part of our mission in supporting and uplifting women writers is to promote the Yellow Arrow community’s individual accomplishments. We’d like to further expand that support and promotion outside of our Yellow Arrow publications. Twice a month, we’d like to give a shout out to those within the Yellow Arrow community who recently published:

  • single-author publications

  • single pieces in journals, anthologies, etc. as well as prizes/awards

You can support our authors by reading this blog and their work, sharing their news, and commenting below or on the blog. Congratulations to all the included authors. We are so proud of you!

Every writer has a story to tell and every story is worth telling

“Girl on a Beach” BY Sara Palmer from Baltimore, maryland

Genre: poetry

Name of publication: The Ekphrastic Review

Date published: May 15, 2023

Type of publication: online

Find Sara on Facebook @sara.p5455 and @sara.palmer.5455.

“Finger Painting” BY Heather Brown Barrett from Virginia

Genre: poetry

Name of publication: Bubble Literary Magazine

Date published: May 19, 2023

Type of publication: online

Find Heather on Instagram @heatherbrownbarrett.

Yellow Arrow (past and present) board, staff, interns, authors, residents, and instructors alike! Got a publication coming out? Let us help celebrate for you in Her View Friday.

Single-author publications: here.

Single pieces and awards/prizes: here.

Please read the instructions on each form carefully; we look forward to congratulating you!


Yellow Arrow Publishing is a nonprofit supporting women writers through publication and access to the literary arts. You can support us as we SPARK and sparkle this year: purchase one of our publications from the Yellow Arrow bookstore, join our newsletter, follow us on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter or subscribe to our YouTube channel. Donations are appreciated via PayPal (, Venmo (@yellowarrowpublishing), or US mail (PO Box 65185, Baltimore, Maryland 21209). More than anything, messages of support through any one of our channels are greatly appreciated.

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Yellow Arrow HVF Yellow Arrow Yellow Arrow HVF Yellow Arrow

Her View Friday

Yellow Arrow Publishing supports women-identifying writers from a wide variety of backgrounds, not just because it’s the right thing to do, but because it makes us stronger. Women’s voices have historically been underrepresented in literature, and we aim to elevate those voices and stories through our programs, publications, and support.

Part of our mission in supporting and uplifting women writers is to promote the Yellow Arrow community’s individual accomplishments. We’d like to further expand that support and promotion outside of our Yellow Arrow publications. Twice a month, we’d like to give a shout out to those within the Yellow Arrow community who recently published:

  • single-author publications

  • single pieces in journals, anthologies, etc. as well as prizes/awards

You can support our authors by reading this blog and their work, sharing their news, and commenting below or on the blog. Congratulations to all the included authors. We are so proud of you!

Every writer has a story to tell and every story is worth telling

“Chritmas Call” BY Christine C. Hsu FROM San Francisco, California, for the Winter Wonderland Monologue Festival

Genre: monologue, performed by Laura Uyeki

Name of publisher: Shiny Unicorns Productions, Winter Wonderland Monologue Festival

Date published: January 2023

Find Christine on Twitter @HsuChristineC.

“On Becoming the Type of Person Who Yells: Dinner!” BY REBECCA BROCK FROM LEESBURG, VIRGINIA

Genre: poetry

Name of publication: Sheila-Na-Gig Online

Date published: Spring 2023

Type of publication: online

“RIDDLE” BY Ann Quinn FROM CatonsvillE, Maryland

Genre: poetry

Name of publication: THE MADRONA PROJECT: The Universe Is a Forest, Empty Bowl Press

Date published: April 2023

Type of publication: print


Genre: poetry

Name of publication: Bellvue Literary Review

Date published: April 2023

Type of publication: print

Find Rebecca on Twitter @wordsbyRB and Instagram @rebecca_brock.writer.

“One For Your Mother” BY Annie Marhefka FROM Baltimore, Maryland

Genre: poetry

Name of publication: The Citron Review

Date published: April 2023

Type of publication: online

Find Annie on Instagram @anniemarhefka.


“A Conversation with Henri Rousseau about his ‘Vue de Bois de Boulogne’” BY Joanne Durham FROM Prince George's County, Maryland

Prize/award: Winner of Annual Poetry Contest

Genre: poetry

Name of publication: Third Wednesday Magazine

Date published: March 2023

Type of publication: print and online

Find Joanne on Instagram @poetryjoanne and Twitter @DurhamJoanne.

“Ten Days” BY Kay Smith-Blum FROM SEATTLE, Washington

Prize/award: Winner of the 2023 Black Fox “Siblings” Writing Contest

Genre: creative nonfiction

Name of publication: Black Fox Literary Magazine

Date published: April 2023

Type of publication: print and online

Find Kay on Instagram @discerningKSB, Twitter @kaysmithblum, Facebook @kay.smithblum, and LinkedIn @Kay Smith-Blum.

Yellow Arrow (past and present) board, staff, interns, authors, residents, and instructors alike! Got a publication coming out? Let us help celebrate for you in Her View Friday.

Single-author publications: here.

Single pieces and awards/prizes: here.

Please read the instructions on each form carefully; we look forward to congratulating you!


Yellow Arrow Publishing is a nonprofit supporting women writers through publication and access to the literary arts. You can support us as we SPARK and sparkle this year: purchase one of our publications from the Yellow Arrow bookstore, join our newsletter, follow us on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter or subscribe to our YouTube channel. Donations are appreciated via PayPal (, Venmo (@yellowarrowpublishing), or US mail (PO Box 65185, Baltimore, Maryland 21209). More than anything, messages of support through any one of our channels are greatly appreciated.

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