Her View Friday

Yellow Arrow Publishing supports women-identifying writers from a wide variety of backgrounds, not just because it’s the right thing to do, but because it makes us stronger. Women’s voices have historically been underrepresented in literature, and we aim to elevate those voices and stories through our programs, publications, and support.

Part of our mission in supporting and uplifting women writers is to promote the Yellow Arrow community’s individual accomplishments. We’d like to further expand that support and promotion outside of our Yellow Arrow publications. Twice a month, we’d like to give a shout out to those within the Yellow Arrow community who recently published:

  • single-author publications

  • single pieces in journals, anthologies, etc.

You can support our authors by reading this blog and their work, sharing their news, and commenting below or on the blog. Congratulations to all the included authors. We are so proud of you!

Every writer has a story to tell and every story is worth telling.

“On Being Watched by Birds” by Chris Biles

Genre: poetry

Name of publisher: The Closed Eye Open

Date published: June 20, 2022

Type of publication: online


"No Say," "Bleeding Hearts," and "Chaos in the Cosmos" also by Chris Biles

Genre: poetry

Name of publisher: The Red Penguin Collection

Date published: June 30, 2022

Type of publication: print


"On Being Watched by Birds" and "Dead End” also by Chris Biles

Genre: poetry

Name of publisher: The Ravens Quoth Press

Date published: July 5, 2022

Type of publication: online and print


You can find Chris on Instagram @marks.in.the.sand.

"A House, Restored" by Heather Brown Barrett

Genre: poetry

Name of publisher: The Ekphrastic Review

Date published: July 15, 2022

Type of publication: online


You can find Heather on Instagram @heatherbrownbarrett.

Yellow Arrow (past and present) board, staff, interns, authors, residents, and instructors alike! Got a publication coming out? Let us help celebrate for you in Her View Friday.

Single-author publications: here.

Single pieces: here.

Please read the instructions on each form carefully; we look forward to congratulating you!


Yellow Arrow recently revamped and restructured its Yellow Arrow Journal subscription plan to include two levels. Do you think you are an Avid Reader or a Literary Lover? Find out more about the discounts and goodies involved at yellowarrowpublishing.com/store/yellow-arrow-journal-subscription. Yellow Arrow Publishing is a nonprofit supporting women writers through publication and access to the literary arts.

You can support us as we AWAKEN in a variety of ways: purchase one of our publications from the Yellow Arrow bookstore, join our newsletter, follow us on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter or subscribe to our YouTube channel. Donations are appreciated via PayPal (staff@yellowarrowpublishing.com), Venmo (@yellowarrowpublishing), or US mail (PO Box 102, Glen Arm, MD 21057). More than anything, messages of support through any one of our channels are greatly appreciated.