What is Another Word for Intimacy? (PDF)


What is Another Word for Intimacy? by Amanda Baker is now available as a PDF or paperback (as well as wholesale and through most distribution channels). This beautiful chapbook came to fruition after years of not writing.

As a child and teenager, Amanda had a passion for writing that got lost amidst the illusion of glamor in straight As and the molding of oneself to be apologetically pleasing. Who has time for vulnerability, fascination, imagination, and daydreaming when you’re told they get in the way of productivity and accomplishment? How can you access inner deepness if your heart closes? What leads to a closed heart? Without these answers, Amanda was rarely intimate, unless you count psychology books and social parties, where intimacy is diluted by the appetizers, side wall conversations, and free drinks. Amanda’s passion and deep-seated writing did not fully return until her 30s. Now, she writes to fill the void. She writes to create connections. She writes to find true intimacy, believing it is about the vulnerability that comes with being open and honest when connecting to someone else, whether in friendship, companionship, or love. Relationships are a vessel for growth. Relationships are a mirror, reflecting back in us what we believe about ourselves.

Amanda is a mental health therapist, 200-hour yoga instructor, and poet from Baltimore, Maryland. She attended the University of Maryland School of Social Work and James Madison University. She is a mother of her four-year-old son, Dylan, and enjoys time in nature. Amanda has self-published a poetry collection that includes written work from her early teens into her 30s. You may find her book ASK: A Collection of Poetry, Lyrics, and Words on Amazon and Barnes & Noble.

You can learn more about Amanda in an interview between the author and another incredible Yellow Arrow author, Melissa Nunez. Find Amanda on Instagram and show her some love.

Cover art by Alexa Laharty.

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What is Another Word for Intimacy? by Amanda Baker is now available as a PDF or paperback (as well as wholesale and through most distribution channels). This beautiful chapbook came to fruition after years of not writing.

As a child and teenager, Amanda had a passion for writing that got lost amidst the illusion of glamor in straight As and the molding of oneself to be apologetically pleasing. Who has time for vulnerability, fascination, imagination, and daydreaming when you’re told they get in the way of productivity and accomplishment? How can you access inner deepness if your heart closes? What leads to a closed heart? Without these answers, Amanda was rarely intimate, unless you count psychology books and social parties, where intimacy is diluted by the appetizers, side wall conversations, and free drinks. Amanda’s passion and deep-seated writing did not fully return until her 30s. Now, she writes to fill the void. She writes to create connections. She writes to find true intimacy, believing it is about the vulnerability that comes with being open and honest when connecting to someone else, whether in friendship, companionship, or love. Relationships are a vessel for growth. Relationships are a mirror, reflecting back in us what we believe about ourselves.

Amanda is a mental health therapist, 200-hour yoga instructor, and poet from Baltimore, Maryland. She attended the University of Maryland School of Social Work and James Madison University. She is a mother of her four-year-old son, Dylan, and enjoys time in nature. Amanda has self-published a poetry collection that includes written work from her early teens into her 30s. You may find her book ASK: A Collection of Poetry, Lyrics, and Words on Amazon and Barnes & Noble.

You can learn more about Amanda in an interview between the author and another incredible Yellow Arrow author, Melissa Nunez. Find Amanda on Instagram and show her some love.

Cover art by Alexa Laharty.

Thank you for supporting independent publishing.

What is Another Word for Intimacy? by Amanda Baker is now available as a PDF or paperback (as well as wholesale and through most distribution channels). This beautiful chapbook came to fruition after years of not writing.

As a child and teenager, Amanda had a passion for writing that got lost amidst the illusion of glamor in straight As and the molding of oneself to be apologetically pleasing. Who has time for vulnerability, fascination, imagination, and daydreaming when you’re told they get in the way of productivity and accomplishment? How can you access inner deepness if your heart closes? What leads to a closed heart? Without these answers, Amanda was rarely intimate, unless you count psychology books and social parties, where intimacy is diluted by the appetizers, side wall conversations, and free drinks. Amanda’s passion and deep-seated writing did not fully return until her 30s. Now, she writes to fill the void. She writes to create connections. She writes to find true intimacy, believing it is about the vulnerability that comes with being open and honest when connecting to someone else, whether in friendship, companionship, or love. Relationships are a vessel for growth. Relationships are a mirror, reflecting back in us what we believe about ourselves.

Amanda is a mental health therapist, 200-hour yoga instructor, and poet from Baltimore, Maryland. She attended the University of Maryland School of Social Work and James Madison University. She is a mother of her four-year-old son, Dylan, and enjoys time in nature. Amanda has self-published a poetry collection that includes written work from her early teens into her 30s. You may find her book ASK: A Collection of Poetry, Lyrics, and Words on Amazon and Barnes & Noble.

You can learn more about Amanda in an interview between the author and another incredible Yellow Arrow author, Melissa Nunez. Find Amanda on Instagram and show her some love.

Cover art by Alexa Laharty.

Thank you for supporting independent publishing.

Editorial Reviews:

“What is Another Word for Intimacy? was released this morning (Tuesday) and I am thankful to have ordered a copy before they sold out on Amazon! Yes, SOLD OUT on the first day. I am not shocked because Amanda connects with you, even if you are like the me who first met her who really didn’t love this “newer” type of poetry that was less Dickinson, Frost, and Hughes, and more lines of thought that can oftentimes feel scattered at first glance. But as I got to know Amanda and other poets who wrote in this format over the past few years, I came to realize the beauty in this poetry I never learned in school.”

--Shell Vera, Shell Vera blog

“What is another word for intimacy? The list is endless, there are so many ways to express it. That's what I realised when I read this beautiful poetry collection. Amanda is a mental health therapist and she uses her expertise to express intimacy in many different ways. These poems have so much meaning that we can all relate to. Remind yourself what it means to just be and to love in this deep collection.”

--Mr. j c newman, Amazon reviewer

“I enjoyed this poetry book and how through poetry the author describes intimacy on so many levels. Some of us struggle with what is intimacy. It was refreshing to see how they different ways we can describe and learn about intimacy. The author said it different ways we can all relate. Great job and wonderful string of poems.”

--Annette Phillip, Amazon reviewer

“I am so thrilled that Amanda Baker created and published another collection of poetry! Although her personal voice is made clear in both books, there’s notable, fascinating differences. The complexity and depth of her poems are clearly evident but more importantly they are accessible. It’s inevitable that any reader of her work will make some kind of connection with her words that you can feel. You can trust yourself as a reader to feel something from each poem and each word.”

--Samantha Baker, Amazon reviewer

“Amanda’s words have a unique way of getting right to core of what it means to be human. Her honesty, vulnerability, and insightful writing makes you think, makes you feel seen, and allows you to honestly connect to yourself and consider your soul's deepest desires. I highly recommend this beautiful collection. It’s one I will be returning to again and again.”

--SKG, Amazon reviewer